Thanksgiving: Thankful Times, Caring People


Lindsey Flynn

ASB members assisting during the Turkey Toss.

Jason Khan, Staff Writer

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, never, have enough,” Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host.

People generally see Thanksgiving as an opportunity to show gratitude and love to those close to them. This year, the McAuliffe ASB committee, Spirit and Activities, organized the Turkey Toss, a lunch event to help students have fun and enjoy their Thanksgiving. During the event, students won prizes for tossing a beanbag through different holes on a Thanksgiving-themed banner.

Spirit and Activities member Dane Hoffman commented, “We [were] trying to achieve fun all around.” Hoffman expected roughly 75 students in sixth grade to show up, and about the same number expected from the seventh and eighth-graders. The Spirit and Activities committee went through much deliberation to develop the idea for this event. First, committee members Chelsea Estrada and Dane Hoffman researched ideas for a Thanksgiving lunch event. Next, they consulted other members of the committee to gauge feelings on different event ideas that Hoffman and Estrada collected. Then, after much discussion, the committee decided that the Turkey Toss event would attract the most students. 

The Spirit and Activities committee was right in their convictions, as Hoffman later announced, “We exceeded our goal,” concerning the goals set for sixth, seventh and eighth-grade participation. Many people enjoyed the Turkey Toss, as several students participated multiple times throughout the event. Hoffman went on to comment, “It’s basically…the Thanksgiving version of baseball.” Spirit and Activities put a lot of effort into making Thanksgiving fun this year, and it will be riveting to see what comes next.