To kick off Thanksgiving Break, ASB hosted the annual Turkey Toss Event on Friday, November 22nd. During both lunches, ASB had a Thanksgiving-themed canvas in the quad with two holes. Students got three tries to toss a bean bag through one of the two holes. If they succeeded, they won a lollipop prize!
During the first lunch, the 6th graders tried the Turkey Toss game. Some students got frustrated, and others loved the event. The 7th and 8th graders were a larger crowd, but they had just as much fun! Multiple 7th and 8th graders who tried the event had a great time and even played again. Unfortunately, the wind was a challenge during the event. However, that didn’t stop everyone from having a great time.
“ The Turkey Toss Event was a hit, it was fun and people enjoyed it,” said 8th grader Sofia Mackie.
Another 8th-grade student, Isha Sajil, said, “The Turkey Toss was really fun. A lot of people went back in line over and over again because they enjoyed the event so much! The game was perfect for getting kids excited for Thanksgiving Break.”
Hopefully, all students enjoyed their break and the Thanksgiving Turkey Toss! ASB can’t wait to see the other eagles out there for the next fun event!