The Toy Drive, hosted by ASB, is an ingenious yet heartwarming event. An experience where students get to kindly donate any toys to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program. Students are able to donate new and unused toys starting from December 1st to December 15th and all donations are dropped off to room 9. ASB is hosting since children in the salvation army will have a chance to have such gratification and merriment with different toys. Opportunely, students who have donated will receive a raffle ticket to win a prize! When a seventh grader planned on donating and was asked why she had planned on giving out toys, she responded, “Whenever I do a good or positive action in life, whether it’s small or big, I get happiness from that especially if it makes someone else happier.” Many student’s generosity can bring immense joy to a child’s life and make a difference in need this holiday season.
Toys for Joy
Kayleen Choi, Reporter
December 20, 2023
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