ASB is a fun and interactive, leadership elective class students are able to take in 7th and 8th grade. Students taking this class learn all about hard work, time management, and team building skills. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays are typically ASB’s “learning leadership” days. On Monday’s we have Motivational Monday where we watch a TED ED video that correlates to leadership. On Tuesday’s it’s Team Building Tuesday, we play games as a class and work together. On Thursday, it’s Thoughtful Thursday, we give shout outs to our classmates who have been working hard or if an event went successfully. Finally, Wednesday’s and Friday’s are our work days where directors get the whole class period with their committees to work on preparing for events, making posters, helping other committees, or brainstorming ideas for an event.
Students in ASB take on leadership roles and learn to take responsibility. In ASB there are 13 directors. Each director has their own committee. Some committees are split in half so they have two directors for one committee. The committees listed are Recognition, Community, Fundraisers, Multimedia, Dances, CIA, Spirit Weeks, Holiday Events, Staff Events, Publicity, and Development. These committees work together to create amazing work whether it’s making posters, holding an event, making a video, or creating things to make our own ASB better. All committees are important and vital to ASB. Spirit, Holiday, CIA, Recognition, and Dances are the more hands on decorations and poster making committees meanwhile, Multimedia, Development, Staff Events, Community, Fundraisers, and Publicity work more with tech and communication to our school and even our own community.
Our ASB leaders work to brainstorm ideas for school events, like dances, heritage months, and spirit weeks. They spend hours coming up with creative themes and activities that will make these events exciting for the entire school. When planning these events they also have to keep in mind time and budget which can sometimes be challenging but as an ASB student you learn to adapt and find the best way possible. Another thing ASB students care a lot about is organization. These leaders like to know where everything is so they can use it in a time of need. Sometimes the ASB room is not the cleanest because of all our hard work that’s happening but every Friday we try and tidy it up a bit! Even some eighth grade ASB members came on the weekend to deeply clean and organize the ASB room for everyone. Communication and teamwork is key.
ASB is not only an amazing class but it also helps you find an amazing group of people who have similar interests just like you. ASB helps you build strong relationships with your peers. Being able to rely on your classmate when you need something done or if you need help with a task makes ASB a lot less chaotic. ASB is a family with astonishing, supportive members who put in lots of time and effort. Even though ASB students don’t always get recognized for their hard work, they are the ones who help make our school a special place. They work as a team, put in a lot of time, and show leadership and dedication every day to help create our school to be a better place for eagles to soar.