Dane’s Mane Q&A

Dane Hoffman before and after his haircut.
January 21, 2022
Last Wednesday, Dane Hoffman of McAuliffe Middle School had his hair cut to raise awareness for cancer, and here are some questions asked before and after his haircut.
Q: What was your main inspiration for doing this?
A: A few years ago, on my fall baseball team in El Segundo, one of my teammate’s brothers, named Drake, passed away due to a brain tumor. It was really sad, and we all made a commitment that we would grow our hair and donate it to kids with cancer, so it could be made into wigs or other accessories.
Q: Your main goal?
A: My main goal is just to make someone happy. [To create] a spark.
Q: What will you do in the future to raise awareness?
A: If I were to get famous, then I would donate a lot of money to charities, and I would go on tours and explain the importance of cancer awareness.
Q: Do you plan to continue donating your hair, and for how long?
A: Yes, for the rest of my life.
Q: What kind of impact do you hope to have?
A: I’m hoping not only to make someone’s day better, to give them hope so that they could fight cancer,
Q: Other influences?
A: My dad. He’s the greatest person in the world. You can have long conversations with him. He’s fantastic. He’s the best father I could ever ask for. He’s always been there for me, always done everything, [he’s] always open, [he] always lets you talk, [he will] treat you like an adult, and [he] will always tell the truth he told me how he had long hair before, and I thought, “let’s move on from bowl cut to long hair, [I] may as well enjoy it while it lasts.
Q: How are you feeling? (before the haircut)
A: I’m feeling good, and I’m also just reflecting on everything that has happened. I just miss Drake. That’s mainly my feeling, I just miss him.
Q: How are you feeling? (after)
A: Proud.
Q: Message to others?
A: Be aware, and try your best to help treat everyone with respect and kindness, even if they don’t treat you with it.
alyssa • Jan 27, 2022 at 5:50 pm
great job!
shamas • Jan 26, 2022 at 11:59 am
You did a great job Jason! I really like the structure of the paragraph and writing.
Alexander Militello • Jan 22, 2022 at 7:27 am
Well done Jason! I’m still getting used to Dane’s (not) Mane.