Mcauliffe Film Festival and Choir Concert

Dr. Weiss Wright

A picture taken of the Mcauliffe Film Festival and Choir Concert.

Caroline Kerns, Staff Writer

The Mcauliffe Film Festival and Choir Concert event was a hit! It took place on April 21 and families were placed in ten by ten squares each spaced 12 feet apart from each other for socially distanced fun!

Winners of the Film Festival:

Alexander Arizpe won for his short film titled “The Ride”, a stop motion film with Legos about a boy who wants to be a professional skateboarder. 

Isla Nash won for her short film titled “Billy and Teddy’s Exellent Adventure”, about two students experiences with a time machine. 

Michael Mcgrath won for his short film titled “Of Mice and Mice”, about mice becoming friends with a computer mouse. 

Emiko Watanabe won for her short animation titled “Their Prediciments”, about a young person training to be a fighter

Ryan Kephart won for his stop motion flim titled “A Land Fit for Heroes”, about the struggles of a man after the first world war. 

The winner of the category “Best Picture” was Sara Borkavich, for her short amimation titled “View from the Top”, a story about someone’s adventure trying to get to the top of a mountain. 

The Film Festival also raised $650 in just two minutes for the Make A Wish Club. All in all, many teachers, students and parents put a great deal of effort into putting this event together and it was a success!