Do You Have Pride?
Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash
People attending a pride parade with a balloon sign.
June 15, 2020
Pride Month has been an important time for LGBTQ citizens of all ages since its establishment in 1995. A time dedicated to celebrating who you are, this recognition was only given after a long history of oppression.
According to Thought Co, in ancient Greece and Rome, same-sex relationships were represented in plays, poetry and various artworks. But with the rise of the church in medieval times, homophobia grew. It became commonplace in Europe and moved with the Puritans to America. Ever since then, people have been fighting, openly or internally, for their rights.
In the 1960s, gay and lesbian bars in New York City were frequently raided by the police, as stated by Britannica. Sometimes, customers there would even be arrested. So, in late June, 1969, when a particularly brutal raid was occurring, the patrons in the Stonewall Inn decided that they had had enough of them. They gathered outside, shouting, and resisting arrest. This was the birth of a movement that would transform the world forever. Now comes the important task of memorializing these happenings.
Most cities already hold Pride festivals and parades you can march in or watch to commemorate the events. This year, virtual pride events are being held, as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus. Usually, there are also more community-run events to attend for those who don’t favor the crowds. If you want, you can even celebrate on your own!
There are lots of different ways to celebrate. For example, you can try making recipes or crafts with rainbow colors or the colors of your flag. Bracelets are a great option, even if you aren’t artistically inclined. Wear clothes with inclusive messages or flag colors along with your new bracelets to show off your pride. Additionally, try reading some LGBTQ books or watching some movies.
But pride isn’t only fun. It’s also a time to learn, be respectful, and make a difference. Donate time, money, or items to LGBTQ foundations or charities, or have your own fundraiser. Learn more about the history of pride and the LGBTQ community. Take the time to become a better ally if you don’t identify this way. If you are an ally and you plan on attending a pride event, keep in mind that you are a guest in this space, and you need to remember to be both respectful and open-minded.
The LGBTQ community has been around for many years, but nowadays, it’s triumphing more than ever. When Pride Month approaches in June, it’s especially important to remember those who came before us and celebrate how far we’ve come.