Thanking Our Capeless Heroes
Stay strong during this fight against COVID-19, and remember to thank all the people who are risking their lives to help us stay healthy!
May 6, 2020
It’s been almost five months since the first case of COVID-19 was discovered in Wuhan, China. Unfortunately, since then, the virus has quickly spread, causing more cases to be seen globally. During this isolated time, we need to appreciate and thank all the first responders and health care workers who have been risking their lives for our safety and well-being.
After long, grueling hours at work, first responders and health care workers have the fear of being infected with the virus as they go home to see their loved ones. The uncertainty looms around them as they balance work and family. Sadly, it’s not only the fear of contamination that puts the heroes at risk. The World Health Organization explained, “Hazards include pathogen exposure, long working hours, psychological distress, fatigue, occupational burnout, stigma, and physical and psychological violence.” Even after knowing the risk they are putting themselves in, first responders and healthcare workers continue to show up to work and fight for everyone’s safety.
Many companies have expressed their gratitude to these selfless heroes by offering a gift as well as their “thank you.” Starbucks shared, “Since March 25, [we have] been giving out free tall brewed (hot or iced) coffees to first responders and front-line healthcare workers and will continue to do so through the end of May.” To add on, McDonald’s is offering free Thank You meals to the workers as a token of their appreciation. Numerous other restaurants, stores and companies have followed the same step and are expressing their thankfulness.
Friends, neighbors and fellow citizens of the first responders and healthcare workers are sharing their gratitude in a slightly different way. According to Fox News, “Hospital networks and physicians in the U.S. are now asking Americans to pause at 8:00 p.m. local time every night, for a moment of appreciation or even to go to a balcony or window and clap, as a show of thanks and gratitude to those who risk their lives for the benefit of others.” As the essential people in our lives hear the hoots and hollers of thanks, we hope they feel proud, pleased, and appreciated. Additionally, some grateful citizens have chalked their neighborhood with encouraging messages, thanking the workers, as well as uplifting their neighbors.
As small acts of kindness like these blossom during this isolated, possibly frightening, time, it gives everyone one more reason to smile. Thanking and encouraging one another truly shows that we’re in this together and that there’s no reason to be afraid. Although it may seem insignificant, it is very important to thank everyone, especially the first responders and health care workers who are selflessly saving lives.