Getting to Know Cyclist and McAuliffe Eagle Pierson Lumaya!
Famed cyclist Chris Froome, who Lumaya looks up to.
April 29, 2020
Q. What or who inspired you to ride bikes?
A. My grandpa.
Q. What do you like about riding bikes?
A. High speed, the scenery, being on busy roads with cars.
Q. How do you participate in biking?
A. I participate in biking by joining bicycle club rides and entering local bike races.
Q. How do your parents support you?
A. My parents help me by paying for my races and getting me the equipment for cycling.
Q. Whats your goal for riding bikes?
A. My goal for riding bikes is to become a USA Cycling National Champion.
Q. Do you see yourself being a famous biker. Why or why not?
A. I see myself as being a famous biker because I am very passionate about cycling and I am always excited for a ride or a race.
Q. Do you want biking to be more popular than it is now? If yes, how do you think the sport could get more popular?
A. Yes; cycling can get more popular by broadcasting it more on TV and including the sport in school.
Q. What kind of bikes do you ride?
A. I ride a 20-pound Spanish bike made out of carbon fiber and aluminum with zero carbon fiber wheels and thin tires holding 120 pounds of pressure.
Q. What famous bicyclists do you look up to and why?
A. I look up to the famous cyclist Chris Froome because, like me, he suffers from asthma, but is still a strong cyclist and a winner of the 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017 Tour De France.