What is Snapchat?
This iPhone screen shows someone logging into Snapchat.
April 3, 2020
Snapchat is a multimedia app used globally. This app allows you to message, face-time, or even send pictures and videos to other people with fun filters. In order to use this app, you must be 13 or older to sign up with an account, although many people put fake ages in order to appear older and sign in.
Numerous teenagers love Snapchat because once you send a text message, you can decide whether it disappears or stays on your chat log. Yes, this may sound like a good thing in that moment, but people do not realize that something put out on social media is never just gone. It also has a feature which allows you to post on your story. A story is a 24-hour post that is usually a picture or video. If your story is screen-shotted or screen recorded, you are notified. Another feature mainly used in this app is called the discover page. The discover page allows you to find brands and publishers who have posted stories.
Many parents dislike the app Snapchat for various reasons: they can not see what their children are doing, they do not know who can talk to, and even who can see the location of their child. Luckily, there are built-in features for these security reasons.