The Day of Fright

Painting of the last supper.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Painting of the last supper.

Ivy Sowers, Staff Writer

Friday the 13th has sparked superstition and fear for decades. But, if we look into the true history it might not be just as terrifying as we all see it.

Over the last four decades, there have been countless movies made about the day featuring its own killer, Jason. Although the movies may be interesting to watch, they have created a mist over the true background of the date. By adding a sociopathic killer to the case they may have frightened people more about the day than needed. 

Jordan Davis, a seventh-grade student at McAuliffe Middle School, states “The movies have made me feel different about the day, maybe even more scared.”

The true origin has a religious background. The original superstition actually occurred on a Thursday. According to, it is believed that Jesus held 13 members at the last supper (13 is a bad omen correlating to death). says the number is unlucky because the 13th member of the last supper, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus to the Romans. 

Carley Mcdaniel, a seventh-grade student at McAuliffe, stated, “I never knew the true background of the day, let alone the true meaning being related to Christian history.”

According to, even though the original day occurred on a Thursday, Christians have other correlations, such as Jesus being crucified on a Friday. Friday is also known as the day Eve gave Adam the sinful apple off the Tree of Knowledge. 

Most people have their own belief of what the true background of Friday the 13th is. We all have our superstitions, but the origins may not be as frightening as we all think.