What Schools Should Teach
A stack of textbooks.
January 17, 2020
There are certainly a few essential life skills that schools don’t cover, and there are also infamous math problems or subjects that are widely regarded as “useless” to some as jobs have gotten extremely diverse in this decade.
Schools have been renewing well-known subjects that don’t always address life skills and end up being remembered, yet not used. Schools have become very one dimensional, more focused on getting students to college, even though not all may want to be college-bound.
Learning institutions have taken away many classes like wood shop, auto shop and home economics, which limit opportunities for students more interested in these vocations. The way school is set up gives students fewer vocational opportunities and requires more effort on subjects they may never use as all students are different.
More modern vocational courses should be integrated into the secondary school systems, with information that is more up-to-date. This will help students choose and excel in courses that apply to jobs they are interested in.
Additionally, some of the most important obstacles in life regarding finances leave modern-day youth at a disadvantage and needing help. A class about financial literacy would teach teens how to manage money, instead of them relying on non-required extra courses or their parent’s advice.
Financial courses aren’t the only new additions that could be helpful to the modern-day student. With social media and all the other distractions prevalent nowadays, many teenagers struggle to make time for themselves. Teens go through a lot of unhealthy stress caused by schools, whether it be from tests, grades, popularity and/or bullying. Although some schools do make an effort to have events for students regarding these topics, they aren’t always as effective because they don’t focus on the kids who need that help. New classes for stress control or mindfulness could be refreshing and let students have a ‘new’ start to the day.
The longer schools neglect to teach these topics, terms like “useless” and “unnecessary” start piling up. With the technology we have today and sites like Google, professions may require expertise in their field, but only basic knowledge in other subjects.
In an effort to get students into universities and colleges, schools have veered away from past vocational teachings to focus on the more “main” school subjects. Farah Mohammed, a freelance journalist, states, “Schools produce graduates that have learned to memorize facts, but lack direction in ethics, social skills, adaptability, or knowing how to be happy.”
*This is an opinion piece and does not reflect the sentiments of The Birdwatch.