Get To Know Mr. Danforth!

Source: Serenity Powell

Mr. Danforth at McAuliffe Middle School.

Serenity Powell, Staff Writer

Q: What is it like to be a new teacher at McAuliffe Middle School?

A: It’s tough, but exciting. As a new teacher there is a lot I have to do, which also makes it exciting because I get to meet all new kinds of people like other teachers and kids.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: In my free time I like to play soccer, listen to music, and do a lot of cooking.

Q: What were your other jobs before you applied to McAuliffe?

A: Before I was a teacher at McAuliffe, I used to teach at an elementary school somewhere else, and before that I was a lifeguard in my home state of Georgia.

Q: What subjects do you teach? Which one is your favorite and why?

A: I teach Science, Stem, and History. My favorite is science because that is what I went to college to learn, so I really enjoy getting to teach younger students about science and why it’s so great.

Q: What do you plan to do for Thanksgiving?

A: For Thanksgiving I will be celebrating my birthday! This year my birthday is on Thanksgiving Day, so I will celebrate my birthday with my family and friends.

Q: What do you serve on Thanksgiving?

A: We will have turkey, which is my favorite type of food, mashed potatoes, corn, Brussel sprouts, and something my family always likes to also have is crab!

Q: Do you enjoy spending your time here at McAuliffe Middle School? Why or why not?

A: I do because I get to spend it with fantastic teachers like Mrs. Phillips, and students.

Q: What’s one of your favorite books?

A: ¨Slaughterhouse-Five¨

Q: Why did you become a teacher?

A: Because I love working with children and I like to see how they could learn and grow.

Q: Where would you like to go on your next vacation?

A: I would like to go to Hawaii because I heard that the water is nice and clear and the food is delicious.