Drug Use is Life Abuse
Teenager participating in Red Ribbon Week.
October 31, 2019
Throughout the United States, millions of people experience drug addiction every day. Based on many studies, drugs can damage and weaken your heart, brain, lungs, and many other organs throughout your body. In order to embrace the awareness and attention of drug prevention, the annual campaign of Red Ribbon Week is celebrated. Red Ribbon Week honors the efforts and accomplishments Officer Enrique (Kiki) Camarena and many others have provided toward reducing the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs. Today, Red Ribbon Week is celebrated in the last week of October by more than 80 million people.
At McAuliffe Middle School, red ribbons are wrapped around the school campus, students are handed red wristbands, and themed clothes are suggested for each day of the week. Although the message of living drug-free is displayed, many people argue that spreading drug awareness includes informing students why drugs are harmful, not by participating in themed activities. Ms. Vienna, an Assistant Principal at McAuliffe Middle School argues, “Themed activities are ok as long as they are paired with rich discussions about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.”
Moreover, Hassan Essayli, a college student, states, “I argue that the message of drug prevention should be spread in a much more informative way in order to affect teenagers, who might have never even been talked to about the negative effects of drugs.”
So, is the Red Ribbon Week campaign even important to participate in annually? During the teenage years, your brain has not fully developed. As a teenager, you’re at a higher risk to be peer pressured into using drugs by your friends. Adding on, a chemical called dopamine that produces pleasure in your brain is released when consuming drugs. Teenagers have a much higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs than adults. Adding on to this, some parents do not discuss the dangerous impacts of drugs on your body. Thanks to the campaign, students are exposed to drug awareness for a whole week! Vienna states,” I think it is important to dedicate time towards awareness annually to provide a safe place for student discussion.”
In conclusion, the decisions you make can permanently affect you and others around you. Learning a meaningful message can save your life, and that is the true meaning of Red Ribbon Week.
Callie • Nov 15, 2019 at 11:35 am
I like how you described the many affects that drugs can do to your brain! Good job!!
Aidan • Nov 15, 2019 at 10:08 am
I liked it a lot. It is a topic deserving of attention it does not always get
Sydney • Nov 5, 2019 at 5:56 pm
Hala I loved this article! A very interesting topic that can save many peoples lives today. Way to put it out there the impacts of drugs on not only adults, but also children like us!n
Maleah Fennessey • Nov 4, 2019 at 3:06 pm
Very interesting! I did not know that people had a negative opinion on red ribbon week.
ella delouche • Nov 4, 2019 at 3:02 pm
I liked the article very much it was very detailed and told me just how much harm drugs can do to you. It opened my eyes and made me more aware.
Luna • Nov 4, 2019 at 11:07 am
I love this article! It is very intresting and gives a bigger picture on drugs
Mrs. Olmstead • Nov 3, 2019 at 7:39 pm
Hala, great job! I like how you incorporated information about the impact of the brain. I hope your article makes someone think twice.
Jasmine Lee • Oct 31, 2019 at 2:05 pm
Great writing Hala!