Why is Anime Popular?
Naruto vs Sasuke.
October 25, 2019
The Japanese culture is proud of anime and manga, their unique art styles. In 1916, anime was made by Osamu Tezuka as a form of specific cartoon art style.
Anime refers to animation and is the rare genre of animated cartoons with distinct Japanese features. For example, according to The Daily Dot, “any animated show or movie that uses signature aspects of Japanese-style animation, like vibrant colors, dramatic panning, and characteristic facial expressions” is anime.
Furthermore, in 2016, the anime industry took home $17.7 billion in revenue, which was up by about 10%. This is in addition to seven years of consecutive growth for the industry. Over recent years, the popularity of anime and manga has grown in the UK and the U.S. Additionally, anime has stood out across the world due to its unique ability to grow with its fans.
The famous anime expert, Takamasa Sakurai, claims that, “The genre has been widely accepted due to its unconventional nature. Japanese anime broke the convention that anime is something that kids watch.”
Anime has even gained popularity among middle schoolers. Jacob Sincock, 12, stated, “I think what makes an anime show or movie good is the plot and animation. Anime is also popular because Asia’s population is over one million, and now it is getting well known in the U.S. I just find anime interesting because of the style of cartoons and humor.”
Roy Papa, 13, also added, “In my opinion, I just think it’s cool looking, and the action has so much detail in one fight or scene.¨
Anime’s popularity has grown since it first started from a variety of genres to specific art styles, and has begun to attract different ages. We’ll have to wait and see what styles come next.
Joy Malahay • Sep 7, 2021 at 8:11 pm
Female anime fan here, I agree that the fight scenes are very cool and interesting! I also love the amount of detail they put into each character and the scenes are very beautiful!
Olivia • Nov 15, 2019 at 3:07 pm
I don’t think that a girl’s opinion would be that much different from a boy’s concerning anime. I myself am obsessed with anime because I love how different and unique it is compared to American cartoons/shows. Anime has a gift for captivating people with their lovable characters and unique plots. I also find their facial expressions hilarious and very relatable to a teenager, such as myself. Their art styles are each very different for each artist, and the amount of detail they put into each scene shows how much work and effort the artists put into it. I could type a whole essay on why I love anime , but I feel like I’ve made my point of why anime is becoming so popular among the US.
lynna • Nov 15, 2019 at 12:24 pm
anime has been getting popular especially Naruto and others. A girls opinion on anime would probably be easier to find if you find someone with anime merchandise like a backpack or shirt.
ian slowinski • Nov 15, 2019 at 10:47 am
I love anime but you still need a girls opinion on it because it would be very different
Ryan • Nov 15, 2019 at 10:42 am
I never really watched anime, but I think anime is pretty cool.
Ryan • Nov 15, 2019 at 10:41 am
I never really watched anime, but I have a brother who loves anime! I think anime is pretty cool.
Kyla Missbrenner • Nov 4, 2019 at 9:32 am
Most people seem to be getting into anime. I myself am one of them.
Great topic to work on, but I would suggest getting a girl’s opinion on anime. They might say something different.
Nathan Otazu • Nov 4, 2019 at 2:06 pm
I dont know any girls that watch anime in this school I wanted to get a girls opinion but you know.